“I started writing as therapy, and that became a whole thing unto itself.”

Brandy MannIn this episode, I interview Brandy Mann (@BrandyEMann and @MannlyMama), a “Mommy Blogger” whose creative outlet evolved out of experiences in her personal life.  As a successful professional living in Raleigh, NC, Brandy juggles a demanding job with family, parenting, and her volunteer work – all while blogging and maintaining a network of similar creative women.

Brandy will be the first to admit that she’s trained in technical writing and STEM, not your usual liberal arts degree. Regardless, she’s found unique ways to combine her passions with her creative abilities (both personally and professionally).

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In this chat, we discuss;

  • The role of work/life balance in her creative pursuits
  • How her career evolved because of her blogs and side projects
  • The role of the “me too” factor in her creative outlets
  • How her blogging evolved as her children grew
  • The role of creativity in STEM education
  • Teaching creativity through STEM in public schools
  • The acronym FAIL; what it means, and why everyone should remember it
  • Her network of “Mommy Bloggers” and the support community they’ve created
  • The logistics of maintaining a side hustle while being a parent with a full-time job
  • The importance of accountability in getting things done
  • How she defines success in her blogging and with the children she teaches
  • Why taking a test & learn approach is essential.

In addition to Twitter, you can find Brandy’s blog at MannlyMama.com.