“I like to get my hands dirty and play around with tools.”

Sharif RennoIn this episode, I interview Sharif Renno (@SharifRenno), a self-taught woodworker who manages to design and build furniture and art in his spare time.

Although he started out playing in his high school band, the Wisconsin native also had an early interest in drafting. So when he moved out on his own and into his first apartment, he started experimenting with woodworking out of necessity simply to furnish his own place. Sharif hasn’t looked back since.

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During this chat, we discuss;

  • How he makes time to get his hands dirty and play with wood.
  • How he actually didn’t like shop class in high school but instead started out with an interest in drafting.
  • Sharif’s first job in a bicycle shop, where he learned to work on bikes.
  • How Sharif’s interest in woodwork first came out of necessity when he moved into his first apartment.
  • Why making mistakes is part of the fun of woodworking, and how that’s part of the learning process.
  • How he’s moved from practical woodworking into creating art out of wood, as well.
  • The two areas where Sharif is able to work on his projects, and how he’s able to work with his father-in-law.
  • How he makes time for woodworking with a busy job and family.
  • The similarities (and differences) Sharif sees between his own interests and his daughters’.
  • How he’s expanded from furniture into making pens for gifts.
  • His advice for others pursuing their own creative passions.