“Every opera singer is a brand.”

James MowdyIn this episode, I interview James Mowdy (@JamesJetsOften), a brand consultant and creative analytic who helps opera singers build their own brands in the 21st Century. James not only helps professional creatives learn storytelling and social media skills to build awareness, but he runs Operatawk, a live-streaming Q&A show about opera on Periscope.

Given his unique approach to creativity and ability to merge brand consulting with the performing arts, James was a great fit for the podcast. If you’d like to learn more about how you can build your brand as an artist, this is the episode for you!

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During our chat, we discuss;

  • How James started Operatawk, a live-stream video via Periscope and Twitter feed.
  • How he helps opera singers and other opera professionals create their own brands and awareness in the 21st century.
  • The ability to capture an artist’s personality in an interview, and why that’s important for artists.
  • How James’ father influenced his love of opera at a young age.
  • Why he chose Periscope for his live chats instead of Facebook Live, YouTube, or other social media platform.
  • His love of Twitter over social media platforms, and how that helped him make personal connections.
  • James’ advice for using Periscope and Twitter in general.
  • His thoughts on work/life balance and how he stays focused on his goals.
  • What it’s like being self-employed and how his career has evolved.
  • The importance of being open and flexible in your career and creativity.
  • His definition of creative success.
  • The importance of humility as a creative.

In addition to Twitter and Periscope, you can find James’ business, b|spoke, on the web.